*Last week in Kansas City, Ralph Yarl, 16, was shot and wounded while minding his own business. At least he thought that was what he was doing. You see, he, unfortunately, rang the wrong doorbell while looking to pick up his younger siblings. The homeowner didn’t bother to ask. Nope, simply fired through a glass door striking him twice.
This and other stories like it, can have a large impact on the psyche and mental health of the Black community, reports Boston’s WBZ.
“It’s the mental gymnastics we have to go through day-to-day to leave the house,” explains Dr. Gayl Crump-Swaby, a mental health professional with New Generation Consultants and Associates. “It can spark the feeling, or thoughts, or beliefs that we are still not safe. That I am not safe, or my community is not safe, no matter what I’m doing.”
Check out the video report above for more.
MORE NEWS ON EURWEB: Convicted Murderer of BLM Protester Could Get A Pardon | WATCH
In related news, Eric Cumberbatch, the senior vice president for the Center for Policing Equity explains what the “adultification” of Black children is in America.
The post The Black Community Feels Threatened Every Day: It’s More Than Just Headlines | WATCH appeared first on EURweb.
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