Jonathan Majors’ Bodybuilding Movie ‘Magazine Dreams’ Gets Release Date

Jonathan Majors (Magazine Dreams) – Searchlight-Getty

*Searchlight Pictures has set a theatrical release date for Jonathan Majors’ new film “Magazine Dreams,” and the dark drama is coming during awards season.

“Magazine Dreams” won the U.S. Special Dramatic Jury Award along with the audience’s hearts at Sundance. Majors received glowing praise for his “powerhouse” performance as Killian Maddox, a troubled man who dreams of bodybuilding superstardom. 

Here is the synopsis via the Sundance Film Festival: “Killian Maddox lives with his ailing veteran grandfather, obsessively working out between court-mandated therapy appointments and part-time shifts at a grocery store where he harbors a crush on a friendly cashier.

Though Killian’s struggles to read social cues and maintain control of his volatile temper amplify his sense of disconnection amid a hostile world, nothing deters him from his fiercely protected dream of bodybuilding superstardom, not even the doctors who warn that he’s causing permanent damage to his body with his quest.”

Per WTW’s “Magazine Dreams” review, “Beyond the insane physical transformation required for the role, Majors gives a performance unlike any other in his career to date; both tragic and terrifying. While the character can at times appear unhinged, Majors is in complete control.”

READ MORE: Alleged Jonathan Majors Accuser’s Texts LEAK … Says Woman Admitted Fault | VIDEOs

Here’s what EW had to say about Majors’ performance:

Majors disappears entirely inside Killian Maddox, an aspiring bodybuilder who lives in a shabby bungalow in Los Angeles with his ailing grandfather (Harrison Page). Killian’s body is a temple, an ode to rippling symmetry that he feeds with endless plates of protein and punishing workouts. But his mind is a swarm of bees; he can’t seem to figure out how to read social cues or say the ordinary things that put people at ease, and violent outbursts overtake him suddenly, like electric storms. 

Written and directed by Elijah Bynum, “Magazine Dreams” hits theaters on December 8. 

News of the film’s upcoming release comes as Majors faces abuse allegations from his girlfriend. As we reported, Majors was arrested for misdemeanor assault, aggravated harassment, attempted assault, and harassment … after his girlfriend allegedly saw another woman texting him and tried to sneak a peek at his phone.

Priya Chaudhry, Majors’ lawyer, says the woman in question sent several texts to the actor hours after his arrest last weekend, “admitting that she was the one who used physical force against him.”

In the texts, supposedly from the victim,  she says how angry she was that Majors had been handcuffed and she adds that she “Will make sure nothing happens about this. I told them it was my fault for trying to grab your phone.”

The text exchange continued a few hours later, with the woman reiterating that she was pushing hard to make sure the D.A. doesn’t charge Jonathan for the incident.

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