Dave Chappelle Recounts His Former ‘Beef’ with Katt Williams | VIDEO

*Dave Chappelle is undeniably a superb storyteller. Coupling his incredible storytelling prowess, comedic timing, and ability to turn jokes into commentary about everything makes him the greatest comedian of all time. On a recent episode on his podcast, The Midnight Miracle, Chappelle, and his cohosts, Yasiin Bey and Talib Kweli, shared a hilarious story regarding a “beef” he had with fellow comic, Katt Wiliams. (Listen above.)

Chappelle said it began around the time Twitter started. He tried signing up for the app, but he got an alert saying that his name was already in use. He found it odd, and upon checking found out that the imposter Dave Chappelle had everything, including his pictures.

For a minute, he thought about stopping the page until he started reading the tweets from the fake account. He found them hilarious, and saw an opportunity to improve his reputation without spending a coin on marketing. He figured that the situation would work in his favor, and became more and more intrigued with the account, even checking its latest tweets every morning over coffee.

All was okay until the account went “rogue,” and the person behind it began attacking celebrities, including Dave’s friends. Katt Williams was one of these unlucky victims, and “wasn’t having that s**t,” Chappelle said. Williams began an online fight with the fake Chappelle, and it got nasty. Dave said Williams was hurting his feelings with the stuff he was tweeting. Williams, who was also in the studio for the episode, then explained the asterisk part of the story to the listeners.

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Dave Chappelle and Katt Williams
Dave Chappelle (back row, third from left) and Katt Williams, (dipping in front) post for photo on Twitter

The two eventually caught up with each other in LA, and Dave reveals to Katt that he never had a Twitter account. Katt said he responded, “So the f-ck what?” adding that he, too, never had a Twitter account. Both laughed as Katt emphasized that he still doesn’t have a Twitter account.

It turns out that a fake Dave Chappelle was going at it with a fake Katt Williams the entire time. Dave ended the story by admitting that Katt’s fake account was funnier. The clip ends with Katt giving Dave his flowers by telling him he’s the best storyteller. There’s no way anyone can disagree after hearing that one. Shout out to both legends for being good sports and sharing the story.

Listen to more from Chappelle’s Midnight Miracle podcast below:

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