*What is it about Walt Disney World that makes you believe that you can do and be anything? Let’s call it wonderment, a state of awed admiration.
Disney’s wonderment captures the imagination by sprinkling a bit of imaginary pixy dust into your thoughts through the viewing of its iconic movies to physically experiencing its fantastical theme parks. Walt Disney World is all-encompassing, engaging, and inspiring to millions around the world.
The 16th annual Disney Dreamers Academy has granted 100 high schoolers, affectionately known as “Dreamers” an opportunity to experience that wonderment personally. For the next five days selected students, who aspire to be poets, doctors, actors, lawyers, producers, sculptors, and of course Disney Imagineers will be given carte blanche inside access to all things Disney.

The students will attend the Career Academy Expose in areas of Business and Service, Entertainment and Storytelling, Science and Technology, an empowerment luncheon with mentors, and Career Deep Dives, which are interactive career mentorship workshops with Disney Executives and other professionals.
Today the Dreamers were given an awe-inspiring welcome ceremony at Disney’s Coronado Springs resort. Academy members were introduced in grand style as they entered a resort ballroom dancing to New Orleans staple “Do Whatcha Wanna.” Delta Sigma Theta welcomed the Dreamers with a specialized step show, while Dreamers Academy program graduates and Disney Executives imparted words of encouragement.
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This year’s celebrity ambassador is Grammy-nominated singer/actress Halle Bailey, who is also the new Arial in the classic Disney movie “The Mermaid.”
Ms. Bailey was introduced to the audience via video by last year’s Ambassador, Kelly Rowland.
Bailey entered the room to a very enthusiastic welcome. She congratulated the Dreamers Class of 2023 and encouraged the high schoolers to be the hero of their own dreams, to have fun on this journey, be brave enough to change the world and to believe in themselves.

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