Rosa Parks’ Race Remove from Florida Textbook as Part of ‘Stop Woke Act’

rosa parks
American Civil Rights activist Rosa Parks poses as she works as a seamstress, shortly after the beginning of the Montgomery bus boycott, Montgomery, Alabama, in February 1956. (Photo by Don Cravens/Getty Images)

*Florida Governor Ron Desantis wants schools to talk about race and race relations in America without talking about race. 

As part of the Stop Woke Act, publisher Studies Weekly has removed references to Rosa Parks‘ race in a draft of a Florida textbook. The publisher also removed references to race in a Civil War lesson, The New York Times reports

The Studies Weekly lesson on Parks is for first graders and reportedly says that Parks was told to move to the back of a segregated bus “because of the color of her skin.” A second version was also submitted for state review and it fails to mention race.

“She was told to move to a different seat. She did not. She did what she believed was right,” the textbook passage read, according to the Times. 

READ MORE: Kanye Claims Rosa Parks was a Government ‘Plant’ + Before Rosa, There was Claudette Colvin

Last year, DeSantis signed the Stop W.O.K.E Act, which bans lessons that make white children feel bad about their race.

Educators are prohibited from discussing whether someone is “privileged or oppressed” based on their “race, color, sex, or national origin.” 

“It would be impossible to teach about the significance of Rosa Parks without discussing her race,” the Florida Department of Education said in a statement to Insider. “Any publisher who attempts to avoid the topic of race when discussing Rosa Parks or topics such as the Civil Rights Movement, slavery, segregation, etc. would not be adhering to Florida law.”

A statement from Studies Weekly stated that “individuals in our curriculum team severely overreacted in their interpretation of HB 7 and made unapproved revisions.”

In 2022, Florida’s Department of Education, according to Yahoo, rejected 54 proposed math textbooks because they included references to “critical race theory.”

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