Liudmila Chernetska
Black women showed up and showed out at the latest run of HeartShine pageants in California.
Of the eight women who received crowns and sashes during the recent competitions, five winners were Black women, ages 16 to 60. Title winners enjoy their reign for a full year, according to HeartShine’s website.
“Five African-American, wonderful women that were crowned queen and one Latino woman and it was during Black History Month, what are the odds of that?” Shlanda Breeden, Ms. California state queen, told KCRA.
Deirdre Bolden, Mrs. California state queen elite, noted that the Black women’s feat is something she hasn’t witnessed in her 13 years doing pageants. “I have never seen that before to be honest with you, in any pageant system,” she told the outlet.
“Black women can do anything,” added Miss California state queen teen Michalia Banks. “They can go out into the community, they can go out and do pageants and win just like me.”
HeartShine Pageants: Celebrating Diversity, Inner Beauty And More
The HeartShine pageant system hosts events nationwide for all ages that celebrate “inner beauty.” Founded in 2012, Ciara “Miss HeartShine” Barnes and her mother “Danna Momma” look for “volunteer, service-minded community leaders” to represent their pageant ethos.
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HeartShine pageants codirector Danna Mack-Barnes emphasized how the diversity of its recent winners speaks to the company’s core.
“The mission is always let your heart shine bright, always give back to the community,” Mack-Barnes said. The HeartShine national pageant goes down this fall in Sacramento, CA.
We wish all the winners the best as they continue to serve their communities and let their inner beauty shine through!
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