You Don’t Have To Go Broke While Dating During Inflation: Here’s How

You Don’t Have To Go Broke While Dating During Inflation: Here’s How
Interracial couple in nature park together, man and woman relax with drink on grass and happiness for people on an inflation friendly picnic date outside. Happy black friends dating, laughing and having fun on weekend

Source: PeopleImages / Getty

No matter where you live, you’re likely feeling the sting of inflation. It’s hard not to notice it. That coffee that was $6 last month is now $10. Movie tickets are priced as if you’re sitting on set, watching the actors in person. Everybody’s sweating a little bit when the credit card bill arrives. But, if you’re in a long-term relationship, at least you can turn to your partner and say, “To hell with these prices, we’re staying in this weekend.” Single people have no such luck. Single folks have to go out to get to know potential new partners. And with prices where they are, dating is practically a luxury now.

To get a sense for what it costs to look for love, Credit Karma conducted a survey. They found that Black women spend an average of just over $90 on food and drink combined on a date. The survey did find that Black men spend the most on dates out of all groups, so props to them…maybe. Generosity is admirable, but costly. Another survey by Lending Tree showed that 22 percent of millennials are likely to go into debt over dating habits. We don’t think your chances to qualify for a mortgage should drop so you can have a chance at love. So, if you still want to date during this time of inflation, consider these tips.


Sip Until You Feel Something

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Nobody needs to be throwing down $200 on a dinner for someone you’ve never met before. That’s money for someone you’re involved with. Keep it to coffee and cocktails until you could see this going somewhere. Drink dates are better in the beginning, too, because if you’re not feeling the person, the dismount is easier. Toss down your last sip and say goodnight. You don’t have a full steak left to eat before you can get out of there.