Kevin Hart’s Egypt Show Cancelled After Protest Over His ‘Afrocentric’ Views

comedian Kevin Hart
Kevin Hart / Getty

*Kevin Hart was set to make his stand-up comedy debut in Egypt but the show was allegedly canceled amid protest over his “Afrocentric” views.

Hart’s Arab critics accuse him of distorting history by claiming Black people had a significant role in ancient Egypt or in the creation of western civilization. 

According to multiple reports, Hart once stated: ”We must teach our children the true history of Black Africans when they were kings in Egypt and not just the era of slavery that is cemented by education in America. Do you remember the time when we were kings?”

It’s unclear where the remarks originated but the statement sparked a boycott of his show and reportedly became a trending topic on social media in Egypt in December. Egyptian nationalists launched the #StopAfroCentricConference campaign which went viral. 

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Many Black Americans believe modern Egyptians are the descendants of the people who stole land once ruled by Black Nubian people. According to Afrocentric scholars, ancient Egyptians were Black.

As Middle East Eye reports, one Twitter user said Afrocentrists “want to steal and attribute Egypt’s civilization to Africans and tell modern Egyptians that we are occupying Egypt from them. We must all participate in the campaign to cancel Kevin’s concert.”

Monica Hanna, Dean of the Arab Academy for Science, Technology & Maritime Transport in Egypt, believes the ideology of Egyptian nationalists and Afrocentrists is way off.

“Both extreme Egyptian nationalists and Afrocentrists adopt discourses based on racist ideas of color and ethnicity that are utterly detached from scientific, historical and cultural facts,” Hanna told New Lines. “Their fights resemble those of violent rival football fans.”

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