Jenifer Lewis: ‘Jesus is Most Black Women’s Husbands’

Jenifer Lewis - gets star - Getty
Jenifer Lewis – gets star – Getty

*In an undated interview that has surfaced on social media, actress Jenifer Lewis says Jesus is the husband of many Black women.

As Moguldom reports, elsewhere in the interview, Lewis calls Black people a “conquered race.”

You can listen to a snippet of the interview here, or via the YouTube clip below.

In the interview, Lewis says “Jesus is most Black women’s husbands…you see they did a number on us (Black people). We are a conquered race. They put the Black man out of the house in order for the Black mother to get welfare. The man couldn’t be in the house. He had to be working; of course, they wouldn’t give him a job.”

READ MORE: Jenifer Lewis Gets Well-deserved Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame | PICsVideo

Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s former HUD Secretary Ben Carson made similar remarks in 2021 during an appearance at the CPAC conference. Carson suggested that the Black family unit was more intact and stronger under slavery than under federal assistance policies such as welfare.

“When you look at what the Black community has been through, go all the way back to slavery. It was the family, the strong family units and the faith in God that got people through that, that got people through Jim Crow, through severe segregation, through all the difficulties,” Carson remarked.

“But what really had a negative impact was when the government came along said, ‘There, there, you poor little thing, I’m going to take care of all your needs.’ And started implementing policies that were destructive to the family formation. Those are the things that have hurt the Black communities the most,” he continued.

As Moguldom reports, many Black activists blame the U.S. government for the breakdown of the Black family after slavery. They believe “the nation’s welfare system has encouraged families to split up and has led to a state of welfare dependency for generation after generation of Blacks,” reported The New York Times in 1983.

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