Valentine’s Day Hits Different When You Gift With Zodiac Signs In Mind

Valentine’s Day Hits Different When You Gift With Zodiac Signs In Mind
african american woman opening love letter on valentines day and valentine's day gift

Source: rez-art / Getty

Boxed chocolate is basic and lingerie can be yummy but typical. But think about how Cupid might really excite or move the air, fire, water or earth sign in your life if you showered them with a gift that is tailored to match their energy?

How’bout some Valentine’s gifting that’s built around Bae’s Zodiac sign?  We took the bore out of having to choose from yet another regular-degular-smegular gift and put some real thought into sourcing a gift that is based on the inner workings of your lover’s sun, moon and rising sign.

The moon sign is the intimate part of someone that only those close to a person get to see. Shopping for  Bae’s moon sign will make them feel seen.

Get into these unique Valentine’s Day gift ideas for each Zodiac sign:




Your Aquarius is different, marches to the beat of their own drum and proud of it. They’re visually creative and love a funky craft. For that reason, we think they’ll love some whimsical, non-traditional jewelry from HOME by Areeayl. This designer’s jewelry transcends your usual diamond studs and chunky bangles. It’s just the kind of outside-the-box creativity an Aquarius loves.