Judge Denies Wendy Williams’ Ex’s Request for Continued Alimony Payments

Wendy and Kevin Hunter Sr.
Kevin Hunter & Wendy Williams – GettyImages

*Wendy Williams will not have to resume paying her ex-husband Kevin Hunter alimony after he claimed to be unable to his bills. 

The presiding New Jersey judge in the ex-couple’s divorce dismissed Hunter’s latest demand that Williams pay him more alimony, according to RadarOnline.com. However, if the former talk show host starts raking in the dough again, Hunter can re-file at a later day. Any further issues related to this matter may be handled in mediation.

“The parties are to participate in binding arbitration,” the judge said, according to The Sun. “The issues surrounding the severance payments, and the QDRO [Qualified Domestic Relations Order] are disputed and therefore need to be mediated.”

The New Jersey judge found Hunter’s demands were “not emergent” and ordered his recent lawsuit against Williams “be dismissed without prejudice.”

READ MORE: Wendy Williams Still Not Allowed to Access Her $20M Account At Wells Fargo

The judge also reportedly denied Hunter’s request that his ex-wife pay his attorney fees.

As SandraRose reports, in December, Hunter took legal action against Williams for her to resume paying him monthly alimony. Since her talk show ended last summer, she continues to face her own financial struggles. 

EUR reported previously that Williams was locked out of her Wells Fargo account last year and she reportedly is still unable to access her funds.

Williams‘ bank account was reportedly frozen in January 2022 because the bank was worried she was being subjected to “financial exploitation, dementia, or undue influence.” Williams disagreed with the bank’s claim that she is an “incapacitated person”. She has since been battling Wells Fargo in court, according to multiple reports.

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