Holly Robinson Peete Teams with Urovant Sciences to Spread OAB Awareness, Treatment | EUR Video Exclusive

Holly Robinson Peete
Credit: Urovant SciencesHolly

*We caught up with actress Holly Robinson Peete to speak about a new health campaign she’s part of for Urovant Sciences, makers of GEMTESA®, on their Time To Go campaign to bring awareness to overactive bladder (OAB) symptoms which impacts approximately 33 million adults in the U.S., including Holly.

Per the official news release: “OAB causes sudden urges to urinate that are difficult to control and can result in leakage, as well as frequent urination – usually eight or more times a day. These symptoms can negatively impact daily activities such as changing travel plans, exercising less or not at all, and limiting certain activities.”

“We’re excited to work with Holly Robinson Peete to raise awareness about OAB and help reduce the stigma around the condition,” says James Robinson, Chief Executive Officer of Urovant, in a statement. “We believe this collaboration will bring more attention to recognizing its symptoms and the treatment options that may help.”

“I experienced OAB symptoms for years prior to talking to my doctor about potential treatment options, and I wish I had sooner,” said Holly in a statement. “I noticed I was going to the bathroom a lot and had a sudden urge to go, like now. With my OAB symptoms, there was a lot of added stress and worry before I traveled either for work or for fun.

She added: “I’ve seen a positive impact on my OAB symptoms with GEMTESA. By reducing my symptoms, I’m spending my time planning activities and less time mapping out the closest bathroom.”

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Holly Robinson Peete
Credit: Urovant SciencesHolly

Per the news release: “Research shows that many people with symptoms of OAB delay seeking help from their doctors. On average, patients waited 3.5 years between noticing OAB symptoms and seeking a doctor’s help. This may be because they are too embarrassed to discuss their symptoms or mistakenly think it’s just a normal part of aging.”

Here are some OAB Facts:

  • Approximately 33 million Americans are impacted by bothersome OAB symptoms, which can cause sudden urges to urinate or leakage that is difficult to control. Also, many people with OAB go to the restroom eight or more times a day. 
  • Living with OAB can impact people’s willingness to travel. In a study of over 200 patients with OAB, some patients reported restricting their travel to short trips, and about 76% map out bathroom locations ahead of time so they can quickly access them.
  • Many people with OAB symptoms often delay seeking treatment, which can be due to a variety of reasons, including shame or thinking symptoms may just be a normal part of aging.
Holly Robinson Peete
Credit: Urovant Sciences

OAB patients are encouraged to discuss their symptoms with their doctor to determine the best treatment options to help manage the condition.

If you’re interested in learning more about OAB, check out our exclusive conversation below with Holly about her OAB symptoms and her diagnosis story. She also explained how she is managing the condition, including using GEMTESA® (vibegron) 75 mg Tablets.

Additionally, Dr. Ashley Tapscott joined Holly to discuss the important resources found on TimeToGo.com. Check out what these insightful women had to say via the clip below.

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