Twitter Cuts Up With Wild Reactions To Picture Of New York Knicks Players & Their WAGS At Holiday Party

A photo from the New York Knicks’ holiday party has gone viral. Once you see it, you’ll know why. And after you see it, tell us your thoughts inside…

It’s that time of year. The holiday season is upon us, which consists of good times and merry gatherings. However, the holidays don’t stop social media from cutting up…especially commentary from the Knicks’ fan base.

The New York Knicks organization hosted its annual holiday party for the players, coaches, and staff, allowing everyone to let their hair down and have fun with one another.

During the festivities, several players got together for a photo-op with their partners. Knicks player Jalen Brunson was all smiles with his fiancee, Ali Marks; player Julius Randle and his wife, Kendra Shaw, were all hugged up; and power forward Obi Toppin and his girlfriend, Magdalena Bellinger, were also in the mix.

Here’s the photo:

We’d like to note, that there was one Black woman in the photo, who was all smiles with her non-black NBA baller.

The last couple in the photo includes Ukrainian shooting guard Sviatoslav Mykhailiuk, who is the only player with a Black partner in the photo.

Social media has PLENTY to say about all the Black players having white partners, and folks are legit cutting UP online.

“I feel bad for black men. They can’t date who they want without getting harassed,” one person wrote.

”Damn. Black women not in style huh?,” another questioned.

Check out a few wild reactions, with many of them featuring Dr. Umar, below:

”Not gonna cap, hope my daughter marries a black hooper so we can help our family genes. Gonna be at my grandkids games like…,” Twitter user @ZateThe wrote, adding a gif of an old white man dancing. Chile…

A Twitter user responded to the tweet, “So breeding w black people for better genes… sounds famili…”

“Idk about you but I look for good features in my partner to help my kids,” @ZateThe responded. “Black people have great traits physically, socially, culturally, historically. It’s not some slave owner type shit you are trying to make it seem. I love black culture and would love to have that be par.”

Thankfully, a Twitter user (@Donewithlabels) educated him on the ignorance in his statements:

“Culture n genes r diffrent. But look at the way u worded it in yr first tweet. Black health and biological development isn’t for your own personal benefit of instilling what we got cause y’all lack. Our skin tone means more than jus good genes athleticism n entertainment.”

We’re thankful someone is out in these Twitter streets doing the Lord’s work.  Zate ended up writing an apology: 

“Your 100% right, I could have definitely worded that better,” responded @ZateThe. “In no way did I mean I just wanted it for sports and entertainment. I apologize if I offended you or came of the wrong way. Definitely chose my words better and not be insensitive to black people as human beings.”

Back to the photo…

Of all the people reacting, sports journalist Jason Whitlock, who is often accused of being an “Uncle Tom,” decided to weigh in:

”Snow storm struck New York last night,” he tweeted.

Bloop. Thoughts?
