Drag Queen Shangela Accused Of Sexually Assaulting HBO ‘We’re Here’ Crew Member In Hotel After Episode Wrap Party

Rape allegations have been brought up against drag queen Shangela (aka DJ). Daniel McGarrigle of HBO’s “We’re Here” crew accused the “RuPaul’s Drag Race” star of sexually assaulting him after a show filming in Louisiana. Details inside…

WARNING! This post could potentially be triggering to sexual assault survivors.

Serious sexual assault allegations have been brought up against drag queen Shangela, who stars as a co-host on HBO’s “We’re Here.”

The drag diva (real name Darius Jeremy “DJ” Pierce) has been hit with rape allegations by HBO’s “We’re Here” crew member, Daniel McGarrigle.

NOTE: Shangela is a drag queen and uses he/him pronouns. In Daniel’s account of what happened, he uses the pronouns “he” and “she” interchangeably to describe Shangela/DJ.

In a since-deleted Instagram post, the HBO crew member alleged the former season 2 star of “RuPaul’s Drag Race” invited him to the bar to turn up with other members of the “We’re Here” cast and crew after filming the episode wrap party in Ruston, Louisiana. At the bar, Shangela allegedly bought Daniel a drink. Daniel told Shangela he didn’t drink, but the drag diva insisted he drink it since she already bought it, so he did.

”Not long after, she [Shangela/DJ] buys shots for a large group of crew members, and she brings me one too. She again tells me to take the drink. Not wanting to disappoint one of the stars/producers of the show, I again take the drink,” Daniel recalled. “This happened multiple times throughout the hour or two I was there. It wasn’t long before I was feeling pretty wasted.”

Daniel said Shangela told him that he needed “to come back to her room to help her pack for her flight the next day.” Daniel didn’t think anything of it since he had been tasked to help the cast with whatever he could. They hop into a shuttle van and go back to Shangela’s room. By the time Daniel got to Shangela’s room, he was feeling “pretty bad.”

”We got up to her room and I almost immediately start to feel like I’m gonna puke,” Daniel shared. “I ran to her bathroom and puked in her toilet. I was super embarrassed, but he [Shangela/DJ] came in and started rubbing my back and acting like a friend. Shangela then tells me that I can lay in her bed until I feel better.”



Daniel accepted the offer because “the cast hotel was different than the crew hotel, and [he] didn’t feel much like moving.”

“I remember crashing face first in her king bed, face buried in the cold pillow. Then I guess I passed out…,” Daniel recalled.

That’s when things allegedly took a turn for the worse.

Daniel said he “woke up to DJ on top” of him, “rubbing his penis” on his “butthole.”

”I said no, he [Shangela/DJ] then got real aggressive and told me that he know I wanted it and that I was gonna take it. He held me down and raped me.”

Daniel said he tried to fight Shangela/DJ off, but he was in “no condition to fight him [Shangela/DJ].”

“I just laid there and took it. I guess I fell asleep after because I woke up to DJ pulling his bags out of the room to catch his flight. He [Shangela/DJ] tells me I can stay in the room until checkout. I laid there, trying to figure out what had just happened to me,” Daniel recounted.

“And I realized… I was just raped,” he concluded.

Check out his post below:


Not long after sharing the post, Daniel took it down.

Meanwhile, Shangela/DJ, who starred in Season 31 of “Dancing with the Stars,” has not responded to the rape allegations. The drag diva has been posting on his IG account as he normally does: 

After sharing his #METOO story, Daniel took to Instagram to thank everyone for their support and said he’s weighing his options on what his next move should be.


”Thanks to everyone who’s been supportive,” Daniel wrote. “This is becoming a lot to handle alone. I’m already feeling so down after dealing with a few nasty fans. Evaluating my options for what I should do now.”

Folks have been reacting to the rape allegations, as well as reactions from people who aren’t taking the allegations seriously:

IF these allegations are true, we hope Daniel receives justice, as no one deserves this. Thoughts?

Photos: Instagram