N.O.R.E. Apologizes To George Floyd’s Family Over Kanye West’s ‘Drink Champs’ Comments, Floyd Family Explores Suing + Ye Doesn’t Believe His Comments Are Antisemitism

“Drinks Champs” host N.O.R.E. has issued an apology to the family of George Floyd for comments Ye, formerly known as Kanye West, made about his death during the latest episode. It’s being reported the family is exploring options to file a lawsuit against Ye. In a new interview with Chris Cuomo, Ye said he doesn’t believe his controversial comments are Anti-Semitic. Everything inside….

The aftermath of Kanye West’s “Drink Champs” interview is getting ugly. However, this is likely what Ye wanted in the first place.

While several other platforms decided against airing their interviews with Kanye West, REVOLT’s “Drink Champs” decided to lean in on freedom of speech and allowed Ye a platform to share his ideologies on their platform (October 15th).

Now, they’re regretting it.

”Drink Champs” hosts N.O.R.E. and DJ EFN sat down with Ye for his third appearance on the podcast to talk about…well, whatever was on his mind. During the chat, Ye said several outlandish things, including misinformation about George Floyd’s murder.

In the clip above, Ye spewed lies that George died due to fentanyl rather than police violence.

“I watched the George Floyd documentary that Candace Owens put out. One of the things that his two roommates said was they want a tall guy like me, and the day that he died, he said a prayer for eight minutes,” the Chi-town rapper declared, citing claims made in conservative pundit Candace Owens’ documentary The Greatest Lie Ever Sold. “They hit him with the fentanyl. If you look, the guy’s knee wasn’t even on his neck like that.”

This is a lie. Former Minnesota police officer Derek Chauvin knelt on George’s neck, according to Chauvin trial testimony by the medical examiner who performed George’s autopsy. He stood by his initial finding that his death was the result of “cardiopulmonary arrest” that occurred during “law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression.”

Ye’s controversial interview has since been pulled from both YouTube and the REVOLT website. Some argue it should have never seen the light of day to begin with. No official comment has surfaced on the decision yet.



N.O.R.E.’s longtime friend/collaborator Consequence—who was at the taping—tweeted, “NORE @noreaga texted me that they’re taking down the Interview. It’s obvious that everyone has NO IDEA who they’re dealing with…”

Folks were NOT here for N.O.R.E. since he didn’t CHECK Ye when he made those comments about George Floyd. He called into Power 105’s “The Breakfast Club” and HOT 97’s “Ebro In The Morning” to apologize. Before the interview, he felt he could control the interview, but now he regrets ever doing it.

“I apologize to the George Floyd family. I apologize to anybody that was hurt by Kanye West’s comments,” he told The Breakfast Club. “I don’t support none of it. I don’t support the George Floyd comments, I don’t support the antisemitic [comments]. That’s all I have is Jewish friends, all I have is Black friends. That’s it.”

”I sincerely apologize to anybody that was hurt by Kanye’s words, by Kanye’s actions,” he said to HOT 97 listeners.

Peep his apologies below:

In response to a critical tweet, “Drink Champs” co-host DJ EFN wrote, “I understand it. We DO NOT agree with the things that were said and in that we failed in pushing back in the way we really should of. did not respond as forcefully as we should of”



”I believe in freedom of speech wholeheartedly but not at the expense of hurting people.”



Following Ye’s controversial George Floyd comments, the Floyd Family is now considering legal action against Kanye West.



CNN reports:

Civil rights attorney Lee Merritt, who has represented the Floyd family, tweeted Sunday that they are considering legal action against West.

“While one cannot defame the dead, the family of #GeorgeFloyd is considering suit for Kanye’s false statements about the manner of his death,” Merritt tweeted. “Claiming Floyd died from fentanyl not the brutality established criminally and civilly undermines & diminishes the Floyd family’s fight.”

Merritt told CNN he was alerted to West’s comments by Floyd’s brother, Philonise Floyd, who told him he wanted to pursue a defamation suit against the celebrity.

While that’s not legally possible because George Floyd is deceased, Merritt said, there are other legal avenues to pursue, including the Floyd family possibly suing for intentional infliction of emotional distress.

“I have put together a working team to investigate [West’s] statements and to investigate the source of those statements,” Merritt said.

In another interview…

Kanye West addresses his social media ban (he has been locked out of his Twitter & Instagram accounts) and wanting to purchase right-wing social network Parler in a new interview with NewsNation’s Chris Cuomo.

Turns out, the CEO of Parlement is George Farmer, who is married to Candace Owens, and the company’s flagship product has been backed by right-wing heavyweights like GOP megadonor Rebekah Mercer and Babylon Bee CEO Seth Dillon.

Over the last few weeks, Ye and Candace have seemingly formed some sort of alliance. She rocked a “White Lives Matter” t-shirt alongside Ye at his Yeezy fashion show during Paris Fashion Week. Not long after, Ye made an appearance at Candace’s “BLM” documentary in Nashville, TN and before the event she revealed JPMorgan Chase DROPPED Ye’s Yeezy Brand. There have been reports circulating that Candace is “influencing” Ye, but she claims that’s not true.

During his convo with Chris, Ye (who is chatting from inside of a car) shared he doesn’t believe his comments are anti-Semitic and said he doesn’t like the term.

“I don’t like the term antisemitic,” West said responding to his series of harmful comments about the Jewish community. “It’s been a term that’s allowed people, specifically in my industry, to get away with murder—sometimes literally—and get away with robbing and doing bad [to] people. … You’re saying it’s antisemitic, but I don’t believe in that term.”

“One thing is, Black people are also Jew. I classify as Jew also, so I actually can’t be an antisemite. So the term is actually, uh, it’s not factual.”

Watch the interview above. A mess!

Photos: N.O.R.E.’s IG/YouTube Screenshot