Heavy rain, white flight, delayed repairs leave nearly all-Black Jackson, Miss. without water

The city’s population is now more than 80% Black, with about 25% of its residenThe city water system partially failed early this week after Pearl River flooding exacerbated longstanding problems in one of two water-treatment plants.

JACKSON, Miss. (AP) — The water pressure at James Brown’s home in Jackson was so low the faucets barely dripped. He couldn’t cook. He couldn’t bathe. But he still had to work.

The 73-year-old tree-cutter hauled bags of ice into his truck at a gas station on his way to a job Wednesday after several days without water.

“What can I do? I’m just a pawn in a chess game,” he said during one of multiple trips to and from the store. “All I’ve got to do is just try and live.”

People waited in lines for water to drink, bathe, cook and flush toilets Wednesday in Mississippi’s capital.  today! 

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