Disney Signs Letter in Support of Codifying Same-Sex Marriage into Federal Law

Just months after Disney faced backlash for its public stance on Florida’s “Don’t Say Gay” bill, the company has signed a letter supporting the passage of the Respect for Marriage Act.

via Complex:

The House of Representatives recently passed the bill, which would codify the right to same-sex marriages into federal law. 

“Americans from all walks of life, across demographics, geographies, and party lines agree that loving, committed couples have the right to be respected and protected under the law,” the letter reads. “As many of us highlighted in our support for Marriage Equality in 2015, a patchwork of inconsistent and discriminatory state marriage laws goes against our company values and makes it harder for us to do business and to recruit and retain top talent.”

The bill, which passed in the House, would also grant federal protections for interracial marriages. Every single Democrat in the House, 220 in total, voted to approve the bill while only 47 Republicans supported it. 

“Codifying a consistent and inclusive federal standard conferred by the Loving, Windsor, and Obergefell rulings will help to ensure marriage equality, eliminate confusion for employers and enable us to retain and attract talent,” the letter continues. “No person, including same-sex couples and interracial couples protected by this bill, should fear their marriage will not be recognized by the federal government or their employment benefits threatened.”

Back in March, Disney CEO Bob Chapek is apologized for the company’s public stance on Florida’s Parental Rights in Education bill, which LGBTQ activists have dubbed the “Don’t Say Gay” bill. 

In an email to Disney employees obtained by Variety, Chapek issued an apology to the LGBTQ community for the company’s silence on the controversial bill.

“Thank you to all who have reached out to me sharing your pain, frustration and sadness over the company’s response to the Florida ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill,” Chapek wrote. “Speaking to you, reading your messages, and meeting with you have helped me better understand how painful our silence was. It is clear that this is not just an issue about a bill in Florida, but instead yet another challenge to basic human rights. You needed me to be a stronger ally in the fight for equal rights and I let you down. I am sorry.”

Mickey and friends said you won’t catch them slipping this time!

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