Woman Goes In On Judge After Suing A Man For $10,000 For Standing Her Up

Woman Goes In On Judge After Suing A Man For $10,000 For Standing Her Up
woman sues man for bad date

Source: Ekaterina Goncharova / Getty

The actions of a Michigan woman during a recent court hearing showcase the dramatics involved in dating these days aren’t for the weak. 

QaShontae Short sounded off on a Flint, Michigan judge during a virtual hearing after the latter stated her $10,000 lawsuit against a man named Richard Jordan for standing up their date is out of the court authority’s jurisdiction.

Short claimed Jordan inflicted emotional distress on her when he stood her up, TMZ reports. 

Short allegedly claimed in legal documents she filed in 2020 that Jordan “did not show and left on [her] mother’s birthday” after her mom “just passed away.” 

In footage of the recent hearing, the conversation escalated between Short and Judge Herman Marable Jr. when the latter argued Short’s understanding of perjury was incorrect. 

Since Short claimed Jordan committed perjury in legal documents, she was audibly heated in her argument with the judge.

“He put a document that stated a lie,” Short said while yelling at Judge Marable Jr. “Bottom line is, you said it was a criminal offense, so I will send it to circuit court. Are we done here? Are we done here?… I know exactly what perjury means.”

“Please do not insult my intelligence,” she continued. “Do not do that. Do not insult my intelligence as if I do not understand what the word perjury means. Do not! If it’s a criminal offense then it’s a criminal offense.”

Judge Marable Jr. ultimately transferred the case to circuit court amid the 10-minute-long clip of the hearing.

That said, Short’s lawsuit against Jordan will appear in front of another judge at a later date.

Although he was fairly quiet throughout the hearing, Jordan said that he was surprised Short’s lawsuit had gotten as far as it had in the legal process.

“To be honest with you sir, I thought this was going to get thrown out,” Jordan told the judge. “We went on one date — one date — and now I’m being sued for $10,000. I don’t see how this is going to go any further. I think it’s a waste of your time.”


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