Source: Catherine Falls Commercial / Getty
Dear Ashley,
I have noticed a change in my body as far as vaginal dryness. I use natural herbs and slippery elm to help, but when it’s time for rounds— I dry up. Can you help me understand this?
I believe the source of my dryness is my medication. Before I got on it, I was wet wet wet! What can I do to fix this issue?
A very common side effect of many medications is low libido and vaginal dryness in women. According to statistics, there is a 50 to 70 percent risk for developing sexual dysfunction while using certain mental health medications. It is also common to need extra lubrication when going rounds—medication or not. During sex, your vagina loses some of it’s moisture due to the friction that comes with penetration. This is why I encourage using lube every time you have sex whether you have WAP or not. Speak with your doctor. Share the issues you are having and ask if there is an alternate medication you could take to alleviate dryness.
In addition to speaking with your doctor I would simply just use more lube. A lot of women don’t like using lube because to them it signifies something is wrong with their vagina—and that’s not true. I use lube every time I have sex because using lube makes my sexual experience more enjoyable. Too much friction during sex can cause injury to the vagina—burns and even tears. Have you ever pee’d after sex and noticed a stinging sensation? In most cases it’s caused by tiny microtears in your vagina created during sex from not being wet enough. Using lube can make your orgasm easier and who doesn’t want that. A study from Indiana University’s Center for Sexual Health determined that lube makes it 50 percent easier to cum for both men and women.
RELATED CONTENT: Here Are Several Causes And Cures For Dryness ‘Down There’
Dear Ashley is a weekly sex column where Sexpert Ashley Cobb answers your intimate questions. Nothing is off-limits! Have a sex question, Ashley, “Your Favorite Friend In Filth,” has an answer. Email Ashley at ashley@sexwithashley.com
Ashley Cobb is the millennial microphone that brings the conversation of Black women’s pleasure to the forefront. Creator of digital platform Gossip And Gasms, her work and words have been featured in Cosmopolitan, Men’s Health, Shape Magazine, Business Insider, and Huffington Post. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter via @sexwithashley