Say What Now? Man in India Divorced Wife for Cooking Instant Noodles

Many couples divorce due to irreconcilable differences, money troubles, infidelity, or just plain ole falling out of love.

via: Revolt

On May 27, a judge in India named ML Raghunath spoke at a press conference in Mysuru. He recalled that while serving as a judge in Ballari, he worked on the “Maggi case.”

While the judge did not provide any identifying details such as dates, names or a case number, he was able to discuss the actions that took place, according to The New Indian Express.

Raghunath stated that a man in India married a woman who would buy a brand of instant noodles called Maggi, then serve them for breakfast, lunch and dinner. This went on throughout the course of their marriage.

“The husband said his wife did not know how to prepare any food other than Maggi noodles. It was noodles for breakfast, lunch and dinner. He complained that his wife went to the provision store and brought only instant noodles,” the judge shared.

The husband could no longer tolerate the predictable, sodium-filled meals and the couple proceeded to go through a divorce with mutual consent. According to India’s Special Marriage Act of 1954, ??divorces by mutual consent require that both parties live separately for a year and agree to dissolve the marriage.

In 2018, the International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences conducted a study on marriage rates. While the United States showed a divorce rate of 50 percent, India’s was far less with just 11 percent.

“Divorce cases are increasing drastically over the years,” Raghunath reportedly said about marriages in India. “Couples have to stay together for at least a year before seeking divorce. If there was no such law, there would be divorce petitions filed directly from wedding halls.”

Sounds like he needs to learn how to cook.

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