Britney Spears’ Lawyer Slams Dad Jamie for ‘Running and Hiding’ from Deposition

Britney Spears dad, Jamie Spears, is being called out in court by Brit’s lawyer and former federal prosecutor Mathew Rosengart, for failing to submit for a deposition.

via Page Six:

In the 21-page filing, the high-powered attorney, 56, slams Jamie Spears for “running and hiding” from his deposition and for “stonewalling” the ongoing legal battle with Britney, 40. 

“Despite his demonstrably false claims that he has ‘nothing to hide’ and would therefore ‘hide nothing,’ James P. Spears has been running and hiding from his deposition and accounting for his misconduct — under oath — as required by law,” Rosengart states in the docs, which were filed Wednesday.

“Indeed, while representing that he would ‘unconditionally cooperate’ and act with ‘complete transparency without conditions,’ Mr. Spears has engaged in stonewalling and obstruction — for over six months — dodging his deposition and repeatedly failing to respond to simple requests for basic information.”

The motion to compel Jamie’s deposition provides a laundry list of his alleged misconduct while acting as Britney’s conservator for more than a decade. 

This list includes allegations that he bugged Britney’s bedroom with the help of Black Box Security to record his famous daughter’s private conversations. 

Rosengart also points out in the docs that Jamie paid for these alleged services with money from the singer’s estate and allegedly concealed this from the Los Angeles Superior Court. 

These allegations against Jamie are laid out in a larger “roadmap” of apparent evidence submitted by forensic investigator, ex-FBI Agent Sherine Abadi.

In the docs, Rosengart warns Jamie that he “can run but cannot hide” as he is willing to take the Louisiana resident’s deposition “in any city in the country.” 

Furthermore, Rosengart is demanding that Jamie cooperate and waive his Fifth Amendment privilege against self-incrimination. 

The lawyer also accuses Jamie of purposefully “harassing and bullying” Britney. 

“In sum, for self-serving (and, we submit, immoral) reasons, Mr. Spears appears intent on harassing and bullying his daughter, while stonewalling and obfuscating the facts. This must stop,” he asserts in the docs. 

“After entering the case, we invited him to voluntarily resign his position as conservator. He refused and the Court suspended him. We now invite him to change the course he is on. We hope he accepts and does what is right, both legally and morally.”

Elsewhere, Rosengart describes Jamie as a “misguided” fiduciary and father. 

“Since childhood and certainly over the past decade, Britney Spears has been forced to live under her father’s thumb, even as she gave him an identity and supported him financially; yet he has never been required to answer for his conduct, including his gross, self-interested misuse of his fiduciary position.

For Mr. Spears to contend that he will answer for his actions if (and only if) his daughter’s personal, private life is further exposed demonstrates just how misguided he is as a fiduciary and as a father,” he states. “Enough is enough. Britney Spears will tolerate it no longer, and with respect, neither should this Court.”

Rosengart concluded the motion by imploring Jamie and his counsel to “do what is right, voluntarily.” 

“Be decent. Please, stop harassing and bullying your daughter,” he says. “Please, leave your daughter alone.” 

Rosengart has also expressed interest in deposing Britney’s former business manager Lou Taylor and Taylor’s Tri Star Sports & Entertainment associate Robin Greenhill, who once acted as Britney’s personal assistant. 

Britney herself has accused Taylor of playing a central role in the creation of the conservatorship — alongside estranged mom Lynne Spears — though Taylor has denied any involvement in its inception. 

“You know exactly what you did … my dad is not smart enough to ever think of a conservatorship,” Britney wrote in a since-deleted Nov. 2 Instagram post. 

The entertainer has described the lengthy legal arrangement — which was established by Jamie in 2008 to control her personal, medical and financial affairs — as “abusive.” 

During an explosive address to the court in June 2021, Britney alleged that, under the watch of Jamie, she was forced into a mental health facility, forced to take lithium and forced to have an IUD contraceptive inserted, all against her will.

Britney’s conservatorship was finally dissolved in November 2021. 

The Grammy winner has said in the past that she would like to “sue [her] family” for their roles in her conservatorship, not excluding older brother Bryan or younger sister Jamie Lynn Spears.

Britney — who is currently engaged to actor Sam Asghari, with whom she recently suffered a miscarriage — also stated during the June 2021 testimony that she wants her father charged with “conservatorship abuse” and sent to jail. 

Jamie denied the claims of abuse at the time, saying in a statement via then-lawyer Vivian Thoreen, “Mr. Spears is sorry to see his daughter suffering and in so much pain. Mr. Spears loves his daughter and misses her very much.”

Jamie needs to answer for his (alleged) crimes.

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