If Republicans aren’t racist, why do racists love humping their legs so much?
Glenn Youngkin, the GOP hopeful in Virginia’s gubernatorial race—also the guy who advocated for banning Toni Morrison‘s Pulitzer Prize-winning novel Beloved from schools because some white woman’s high school senior son had nightmares from reading about slaves being raped and tortured—has two loud and proud neo-Nazis in his fan club, and he has shown no interest in denouncing them.Â
The election is Tuesday and Youngkin is essentially tied with his opponent, Terry McAuliffe, a Democrat who served as governor of Virginia from 2014 to 2018 and is now running for another term. But unlike Youngkin, McAuliffe isn’t appearing in photos with racial slur-slinging bigots who have threatened to shoot and kill Black Lives Matter protesters on general purposes and have advocated for “white only” spaces.
Meet Lucas Isturiz and Angie Chang.
This duo of hateful bigots from Los Angeles, one of whom is an Asian woman who also somehow happens to be a white supremacist, have been seen on video appearing to campaign for Youngkin as they have been seen front and center at his rallies chanting his name and posting their support for him on social media under the handle @socialdystopia, according to the Daily Dot. (I’m pretty sure they went with the “social dystopia” thing because @iHeartNegroHate was already taken.)
Here’s a video of Isturiz signing the side of the Youngkin campaign bus, while Chang repeatedly says, “white only,â€� because she obviously believes mirrors to be a liberal Marxist conspiracy. (Apparently, she’s the Asian version of Clayton Bigsby.)
Following the “white only” chant from the delusional racist who rivals Candace Owens in the Wish We Were White Olympics, another man can be heard saying “We need more white men!â€� which one can only assume was on the shortlist of Youngkin campaign slogans until it failed to do well with focus groups that had too many members who wash their legs on a regular basis.
Here’s a video from April 16 that shows Isturiz among a group of fellow Americans who think getting rained on counts as a shower who destroyed a memorial built in L.A. to honor Daunte Wright, a Black man who was killed by a Brooklyn Center, Minnesota police officer who claims she mistook her gun for a taser.
Tonight’s Daunte Wright memorial in Los Angeles was destroyed by right-wingers Lucas Reese Isturiz, Angie Chang, Kennedy Lindsey, and Tracey (last name unknown).
They knocked over the candles and ripped down the photographs of #DaunteWright. Thread: pic.twitter.com/evFSVxI0n1
— Chad Loder (they/them) (@chadloder) April 16, 2021
Clearly, Wright being unjustly killed by police wasn’t enough to satisfy Isturiz’s lust for negro death, so Youngkin’s No. 1 fan and his band of live-action South Park extras needed to find themselves an inanimate memorial to lynch.
But before he went to the memorial to live out his KKK fantasies (Klan-tasies?) he was filmed claiming that if the cops weren’t around, he and other Trump supporters would have a good old whitey time gunning down BLM protesters. (Wait, Trump supporters aren’t violent racists or anything, right?)
This kind of behavior is nothing new for Lucas. He typically spends his time sucking up to Proud Boys and other white supremacists, harassing shoppers who wear masks at stores— or screaming racist vitriol at pro-Trump rallies in Beverly Hills. pic.twitter.com/ycNMRNkpQB
— Vishal P. Singh (they/he) (@VPS_Reports) April 17, 2021
Here’s a video of Isturiz and Chang shouting the N-word at a Costco in Torrance, California, after employees asked them to wear a mask. (To be fair, I wouldn’t want to wear a mask either if my breath smelled like Funyuns, rotten bananas and 400 years of oppression.)
Lucas Isturiz and #AngieChang invaded the Costco yesterday, screaming the N-word and “F*ck China�.
— WOKEVIDEO (@wokevideo) May 3, 2021
Aaaaand, here’s the happy couple of unabashed racists posing for a photo with the guy who might become Virginia’s next governor.
Vote accordingly, my Virginian friends.
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