California, NYC, VA Employees Have New Vaccine Mandates

In California and New York City, as well as the Veterans Affairs Department, will now require public employees to receive vaccination against the coronavirus.

What We Know:

  • The mandates come during the increase of delta variant cases and a lull in vaccination rates. If employees choose not to receive the vaccine, they may possibly face penalties.
  • Los Angeles mayor Eric Garcetti kicked off the decrees by stating city employees must receive COVID-19 immunization. California Gov. Gavin Newsom quickly followed by implementing a similar policy for state employees and healthcare workers; Newsom’s policy will require workers to show proof of vaccination or perform regular coronavirus testing. California will put this into effect starting in August.
  • New York City’s Mayor Bill de Blasio also informed the public of new mandates. De Blasio said workers must show proof of immunization or get tested weekly. If employees refuse to comply, officials will place them on unpaid leave. Unvaccinated individuals must also wear a mask while working; if they do not, they will lose their job. This initiative will take effect for foster care, shelter, and senior center employees in mid-August; the remaining city workforce will follow these instructions beginning in September.
  • Secretary of Veterans Affairs Denis McDonough announced the department would order front-line healthcare workers to obtain the vaccine within the next two months. This includes doctors, dentists, registered nurses, physicians, and more. Other staff members can receive treatment within eight weeks. If VA staff members do not receive the vaccine, they will face retribution or lose their jobs.
  • McDonough believes this demand will efficiently protect veterans from the coronavirus; recently, four veterans have succumbed to COVID-19 in recent weeks. In addition, VA facilities have seen three outbreaks among unvaccinated employees. The VA is the first government association to require vaccines.

These new plans will help reduce the spike of COVID-19 cases. It will also help end the pandemic quicker.