Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu of Israel Ousted After 12 Years

In a 60-59 vote, Naftali Bennett took over as Prime Minister after a two-year cycle of political standstill.

What We Know:

  • Benjamin Netanyahu was viewed as a political magician for his ability to remain in office for 12 consecutive years. Recently, he came into critique for his polarizing and autocratic tendencies. He used divide and rule tactics to aggravate rifts in Israeli society such as the ongoing tensions between Jewish and Arabic citizens.
  • Netanyahu was indicted in 2019 for fraud, breach of trust, and accepting bribes. He used his concession speech as an opportunity to berate his political opponents and assured the people he would be back.

“I will lead you in the daily struggle against this evil and dangerous leftist government in order to topple it. God willing, it will happen a lot faster than you think.”

  • Three out of Israel’s eight political parties are headed by former Netanyahu allies that share his beliefs, but developed personal issues with him. Yair Lapid, head of the centrist Yesh Atid party, took it upon himself to create cross-party arrangements to push Netanyahu out of power. Bennett’s victory now places him at the head of a coalition made up of the most diverse members the country has seen.
  • The coalition included right-wing, left-wing, and Arab parties all united under the desire to vote out Netanyahu. This makes it the first coalition in Israel’s history with the involvement of Arab parties. While the coalition was united for this purpose, they are deeply divided when it comes to key issues.
  • Bennett, 49, is a former chief of staff for Netanyahu. He also served as defense minister, economy minister, and education minister amongst other roles under Netanyahu’s regime. He will spend two years as Prime Minister, focusing on domestic issues because of the ideological disparities amongst his coalition. Yair Lapid will then take over for the next two years, as per the coalition’s agreement.
  • President Biden congratulated his victory. The two have agreed to consult on national security and Biden hopes to advance further peace and security for Israelis and Palestinians.

“Twice in history, we have lost our national home precisely because the leaders of the generation were not able to sit with one and another and compromise. Each was right, yet with all their being right, they burnt the house down on top of us,” Bennett said in his speech.

  • Bennett’s regime may have no choice to address larger issues despite their best efforts. While he is choosing to focus on issues such as the relationship of religion and state, cost of living, and quality of life, Israel hasn’t passed a budget since March of 2018. On top of this, the eviction of Palestinian families in the neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah is still awaiting a High Court decision after being delayed in hopes of easing tensions.

Because of the fragile bonds that hold his coalition together, Bennett’s success as Prime Minister hinges on his ability to create compromise. “Citizens of Israel are all looking to us now, and the burden of proof is upon us,” he stated.

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