Terry McAuliffe Wins Virginia’s Democratic Governor Nomination

Former Virginia Gov. Terry McAuliffe won the state’s Democratic gubernatorial primary on Tuesday, beating out four others for the nomination.

What We Know:

  • McAuliffe, 64, was chosen as the governor nominee over Sen. Jennifer McClellan, Del. Lee Carter, former Virginia Del. Jennifer Carroll Foy, and Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax. McClellan and Foy would have broken barriers by becoming the state’s first female governor, and the country’s first black female governor had they received the nomination. POLITICO posted that McAuliffe won the vote with about 62%, with Foy coming in with about 20%.
  • The former Governor’s win wasn’t a surprise to most, as he was the front runner throughout the majority of the campaign. He had a large backing in endorsements and fundraising, spending over $10 million in the primary race. McAuliffe also had familiarity on his side, as he previously governed the state from 2014-2018 and served as chairman on 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s presidential campaign in 2008.
  • The other candidates called out McAuliffe throughout the campaign for being a “has-been” and “out of touch” with today’s world. In the last debate, Foy stated, “he had his chance, and he failed the people of Virginia. So why does he deserve a second chance.” Despite her views, Foy and McClellan have already endorsed McAuliffe in his run for governor.
  • During his victory speech, McAuliffe targeted his opponent, Republican businessman Glenn Youngkin. He brought up Youngkin’s alignment and endorsement from former President Donald Trump, stating that Trump is the sole reason why Youngkin is running for governor.

“We cannot let Glenn Youngkin do to Virginia what Donald Trump has done to our country. We are a different state than we were eight years ago and we are not going back…there is not one business that wants to move to Virginia where they have a governor who is putting a social agenda on us,” said McAuliffe.

  • According to CNN, McAuliffe has spoken with President Joe Biden, who informed him that he is all in on helping him take the governor’s race. In addition, McAuliffe has also received the endorsement of current Virginia Democratic Gov. Ralph Northam, who, due to state laws, cannot run for a consecutive term. Northam was also present at McAuliffe’s victory speech, standing proudly beside him on stage.
  • Turnout for the elections was low, which does worry McAuliffe, who feels like Trump drove Democrats in the state to come out and vote. Without Trump on the ballot or in the White House, he believes the race is going to be a battle. Northam agrees with McAuliffe, stating that “we are in [a] good position as Democrats…Virginia is getting bluer every year, but we are not going to take anything for granted.”

With Virginia being one of two states with a governor race this year, all eyes will be on them to help make predictions on how the 2022 midterm elections may go. The Virginia governor election will take place on Nov. 2nd.

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