Harris Tells Guatemalans to Stop Migrating to the U.S.

While visiting Guatemala, Vice President Kamala Harris informed those who were thinking about migrating to the U.S. to re-think it.

What We Know:

  • Harris’ trip to Guatemala was her first foreign trip since taking the position of VP. Harris is set to meet with Giammattei and the Mexican president during her three-day visit to the area. President Joe Biden has given Harris the role of finding out why there has been an increase in migration from Central America, which is causing issues for the U.S at the southern borders.
  • During a news conference with Guatemalan President Alejandro Giammattei, Harris stated that the U.S. wants to help Guatemalans find a sense of hope at home, just not at the expense of them coming to the U.S.

“I want to be clear to folks in this region who are thinking about making that dangerous trek to the United States-Mexico border: Do not come. Do not come….the United States will continue to enforce our laws and secure our border,” said Harris.

  • According to NBC News, at times, it felt like Harris and Giammattei were giving opposing views during the news conference. When the topic of corruption came up, Harris said that the U.S. is focused on tackling the issues, while Giammattei stated, “the social networks carry misinformation…how many cases of corruption have I been accused [of]? Zero.”
  • Local activists appreciate Harris’s blunt approach to the issues in the country, but Giammattei’s push back shows that there is still some mending that needs to be done within the country. Recently, two lawyers, who have vocally criticized Giammattei, were arrested on falsified charges aimed at keeping them quiet.
  • Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) did not appreciate Harris’ comments regarding Guatemalan migrates. She tweeted that the words of Harris were disappointing to hear and believes the U.S. should “acknowledge its contributions to destabilization and regime change in the region.” Harris reiterated that her focus is dealing with the “root causes,” such as corruption and migration.
  • Harris’ plans include creating an anti-corruption task force with officials from the Treasury, Justice, and State departments. She also wants to enforce another task force that deals with human trafficking and drug smuggling in the country and programs that focus on education and economics for women.

Republicans are criticizing Harris for not visiting the borders yet, but Harris is sticking to her plan of creating “tangible” changes and not making bold gestures for show. Harris will be in the region for two more days. However, she has no plans of visiting Honduras or El Salvador, two countries in the area with a long list of corruption scandals.

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