George P. Bush Announces Run for Texas Attorney General

The Bush name is making headlines again, but this time it’s in the form of one of the grandsons. 41st U.S. President George H. W. Bush’s grandson George P. Bush is putting his name in the running for attorney general of Texas.

What We Know:

  • George P., 45, is currently the Texas Land Commissioner and the oldest son of former Florida Gov. Jeb Bush. He is running against Republican attorney general Ken Paxton. George P. stated, “I am proud to announce I am a Republican candidate to be the next Texas attorney general” to a group of supporters in Austin.
  • Paxton, who has been the Texas attorney general since 2015, is currently under indictment for security fraud and FBI investigation for abuse of office aid. Paxton has since denied any involvement in the allegations. According to The Hill, George P. is using these allegations to poke holes in Paxton’s campaign stating, “Enough is enough, Ken…you’ve brought way too much scandal and too little integrity to this office.”
  • According to Fox News, George P.’s first act as attorney general, if elected, is to secure the borders. His campaign will focus on holding politicians accountable in the courthouse, cracking down on human trafficking, and says he’ll support law enforcement.
  • Former President Donald Trump has not given his endorsement to either candidate yet, but plans on doing so in the “not-so-distant-future.” Both candidates have supported Trump in the past, with Paxton backing the former president’s election fraud claims and George P. voting for him during both the 2016 and 2020 elections.
  • As of late, only one Democratic candidate has started a campaign for attorney general, Joe Jaworski. However, he has not stated which primary he will run in.

With two Republican heavy hitters in the Texas political sphere running for attorney general, and one eventually receiving the backing of Trump, it’s sure to be an election that’s one for the books. Texas attorney general elections will take place in November 2022.

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