Rockets Fired Into Israel As Tensions in Jerusalem Boil Over

The Hamas militant group fired rockets toward Jerusalem on Monday.

What We Know:

  • The incident took place after hundreds of Palestinians were hurt during earlier clashes with Israeli forces. The fighting occurred at a sacred holy site familiar to both Muslims and Jews. The rockets were fired on the anniversary of Israel’s capture of the Old City of Jerusalem and its eastern neighborhoods. A few days prior, dozens of civilians were seriously injured at Jerusalem’s Al-Aqsa mosque compound.
  • The compound is known to Muslims as the Noble Sanctuary and to Jews as Temple Mount. Most of the injuries at the compound were to the face and appeared to be caused by rubber bullets. 205 people total were injured, with several in critical condition, according to the Palestinian Red Crescent. Officers were dispatched to go inside the temple after rioters began antagonizing police forces near one of the compound gates.
  • Abu Ubaida, a spokesperson for Hamas’ military, stated the rocket attack was a response to Israeli “crimes and aggression” in Jerusalem. He goes on to call the rockets a message the enemy should be able to understand. The Israeli Defense Forces (IDF) confirm seven rockets were launched into Israeli territory from Gaza. Gaza City is currently occupied and controlled by the Palestinian Islamist movement, Hamas.
  • There have been no immediate reports of damages resulting from the rocket fire. The Israeli Parliament, called the Knesset, had to stop its session and evacuate to shelters. Due to the rocket fire, organizers of a planned march were told to stop their event and leave. A handful of people were injured, including a seven month old who was hit in the head with a stone.

In total, the Hadassah Hospital treated five people in mild condition, according to their spokesperson, Hadar Elboim.

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