The NBA superstar tweeted his response to the bar owner who announced the ban on Lebron James‘ games after he spoke out against the recent police shooting in Columbus, Ohio.
What We Know:
- Jay Linneman is the owner of Linnie’s Pub in Cincinnati, Ohio. On April 21, Linnieman posted on Facebook his displeasure with James voicing his political opinion. In response, he announced that his bar would no longer be showing any games featuring James until he’s removed from the league.
- “If anyone wants to watch an NBA game, don’t come to Linnie’s Pub,” Linnieman wrote in his post. Linnieman is tired of athletes speaking on political issues. “They just need to play the game, and that’s it,” he stated. Linnieman continued by saying athletes’ opinions don’t matter and that they’re only using their platforms to push an agenda. In response, James sarcastically tweeted that he was on his way to Linnie’s pub that night.
Aww Damn! I was headed there to watch our game tonight and have a drink! Welp.
— LeBron James (@KingJames) April 24, 2021
- In a since-deleted tweet, James shared a photo of Nicholas Reardon, the officer involved in the fatal shooting of Ma’Khia Bryant. He shared the photo along with the caption, “you’re next #accountability.” He explained why he deleted the tweet, saying he needed to learn all the facts first.
- James continued saying his tweet was being used to spread hate and expressed his anger with the ongoing police violence. “This isn’t about one officer. It’s about the entire system, and they always use our words to create more racism. I am so desperate for more ACCOUNTABILITY,” said James.
- Former President Donald Trump was quick to criticize James’s statements. He called James’ words divisive, nasty, insulting, and demeaning,” saying the star was doing nothing to unite the country. In a statement from his office, Trump said James should “focus on basketball rather than presiding over the destruction of the NBA.”
James has been an avid supporter of racial justice, often voicing his support for the Black Lives Matter movement. The 17x All-Star is the NBA’s reigning Finals MVP after the Los Angeles Lakers won the NBA Championship last season.
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