CDC Releases New Mask Guidance for Fully Vaccinated Americans

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) unveiled updated guidelines on Tuesday detailing activities that vaccinated people can safely resume, including attending small outdoor gatherings without the need to wear a mask.

What We Know:

The “interim public health recommendations” call these measures a “first step at helping fully vaccinated Americans” resume activities they had stopped doing during the pandemic, “at low risk to themselves, while being mindful of the potential risk of transmitting the virus to others.”

An infographic from the CDC released on Tuesday, April 27, 2021, showing various activities that fully vaccinated individuals can resume. COURTESY: CENTERS FOR DISEASE CONTROL AND PREVENTION

The new recommendations say fully vaccinated individuals can engage in the following activities without wearing masks:

  • Walking, running, hiking or biking outdoors alone or with members of their household
  • Attending small outdoor gatherings with fully vaccinated family and friends
  • Attending small outdoor gatherings with a mixture of fully vaccinated and unvaccinated people
  • Dining at outdoor restaurants with friends from multiple households.

Fully vaccinated people can also attend “a crowded, outdoor event, like a live performance, parade, or sports event,” as long as they remain masked, according to a CDC infographic of the new guidelines.

Individuals are considered fully vaccinated two weeks after receiving the second dose of the Moderna or Pfizer vaccine, or two weeks after receiving the one-dose Johnson & Johnson vaccine.

The new guidelines suggest that fully vaccinated individuals continue wearing masks when in public spaces, when gathering indoors with unvaccinated people from more than one household, when visiting unvaccinated high-risk individuals or in an outdoor setting or venue where masks are required. The updated CDC guidance recommends that fully vaccinated people continue to avoid medium or large-sized gatherings.

Prior CDC guidance acknowledged that “masks may not be necessary when you are outside by yourself away from others, or with people who live in your household.” It also advised individuals to abide by any mask mandates in their local area while out in public, as well as any relevant federal mask mandates.

In the months since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic last year, researchers have repeatedly found that outdoor transmission likely makes up a small share of infections.

The CDC in March published research detailing a successful effort by one New Jersey school to curb COVID-19 outbreaks where, among other measures, meals and sporting events were held mostly outdoors.

The agency over the weekend also urged summer camps to plan for more activities outdoors “whenever possible” as one of a handful of “key prevention strategies” in updated guidance for camp counselors.

CBS News
and Alex Haynes contributed to this report.

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