Jill Biden Pulls off April Fools’ Day Prank on Media, Staff

The First Lady of the United States dressed up as a flight attendant during a flight from California to Washington, D.C.

What We Know:

  • Members of the media were on a flight with Jill Biden after visiting Delano, California, to celebrate César Chávez Day. On the way back to the nation’s capital, a flight attendant began passing out Dove ice cream bars to staff, Secret Service, and press cabins on Air Force One.
  • Her alternate ego’s name was named Jasmine. While donning her new persona, Biden had on a black mask, black pantsuit, and a short black wig. Throughout the meal service, she went unnoticed.
  • Her senior advisor, Anthony Bernal, and press secretary, Michael LaRosa, went into the press cabin laughing as Biden reappeared without her wig. “April Fools,” she announced to all the reporters. Both the media and her staff members were fooled by her costumed. Biden was pleased her prank went smoothly.
  • The Associated Press says this is not the first time she has tricked people on April Fools’ Day. In her 2019 memoir, “Where the Light Enters,” she said when her husband Joe Biden was Vice President, she went into an overhead bin on Air Force Two and startled someone trying to stow luggage.

Jill says she is a big fan of jokes. She wrote in her autobiography that she believes one has to “steal the joyful moments” when they can. Jill also said one couldn’t wait around for fun to appear.

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