Former Ohio Police Officer Shot Andre Hill Four Times, Coroner Says

According to the Franklin County Coroner’s Office, Andre Hill was shot once in the chest and three times in the leg.

What We Know:

  • The information comes months after the Dec. 22 death of Hill. He was shot by former police officer Adam Coy after a call was made about Hill sitting in his SUV for an extended period of time. The complaint also mentioned Hill had been turning the car on and off.
  • Columbus’s Department of Safety released a statement on the incident. When officers arrived at a home on the 1000 block on Oberlin Drive, they found an open garage door. Hill was inside the garage when he approached police with a cellphone in one hand. The other hand was not visible. It was then that Coy proceeded to shoot Hill four times.
  • The department also reviewed the policemen’s body cameras, where they found the officers did not turn them on until after the shooting. The Columbus Dispatch says the cameras have a “look-back” feature that allowed the shooting to be captured, just without audio footage.
  • Coy was fired from the Columbus Police Department on Dec. 28. He has been charged one count each of murder and felonious assault. Alongside this, Coy faces misdemeanor counts of dereliction of duty. This includes failing to have his body camera on and neglecting to tell his teammates that he believed Hill was dangerous. Prior to his removal, NBC News reported that he had a history of complaints against him.

Dr. Elaine Amoresano, the forensic pathologist who conducted the autopsy, confirmed the cause of death was a homicide. This may be important to Coy’s fate in court; at a grand jury indictment last month, he pleaded not guilty. In response to this, Coy’s attorney claimed the cop had  “a good faith basis” to think Hill had a silver revolver on his person.

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