5,000 Fans Pack Barcelona Rock Concert After Covid-19 Tests

Spain held its first rock concerts since the pandemic began.

What We Know:

  • An attempt to ignite the music industry took place Saturday night in Spain. Over 5,000 people gathered in the Paula Saint Jordie Arena after over a year of social distancing. The Spanish Indie band ‘Love of Lesbian‘ was the musical entertainment for the night.
  • According to reports, Prime Minister Petro Sanchez announced that facilities would be able to open at 50% capacity. The mandate will be operating under several phases, with the last phase allowing a maximum of 80 occupants for indoor venues and 800 for open-air venues.
  • Occupants who attended the concert were screened upon entry and allowed to enter the arena once they received their test results via an app on their smartphone. Reports note that there were three testing sites spread throughout Barcelona carried out by well-equipped and protected nurses administrating nose swabs tests to test for the virus.
  • Attendees who tested negative for the virus were allowed inside the stadium and offered a mask which was included with the admission price. In contrast, those who tested positive for the virus were turned around and received a refund back. Reports note that by noon three out of 2,400 individuals had tested positive, with one of the cases being caused by one individual coming into contact with another individual who tested positive.

Spain is seemingly paving the way for how others may go about reestablishing the live music industry, one of many that the COVID-19 pandemic has crippled.

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