Puerto Rico Gets Over $900M In Education Funds Previously Restricted By Trump Admin

Puerto Rico has access to funds that were restricted to them under the Trump Administration.

What We Know:

  • Puerto Rico was awarded long-awaited funds after Puerto Rico’s Governor Pedro Pierluisi reached out to the Secretary of Education about providing necessary resources for the students who have recently just started class again due to the halt COVID-19 imposed on classes. These funds were awarded in less than two weeks of Puerto Rico reopening dozens of public and private schools.
  • According to reports, in 2019, the Trump administration decided to set restrictions that would limit Puerto Rico’s ability to access funds for the island education system. Reports note that the reasoning behind this was because the island had a history of bad management within their Department of Education.
  • These funds will include aid to approved under the Cares act to combat COVID-19, grant funds under the Elementary and Secondary Education Act, and the Individuals with Disabilities Act. The U.S Department of Education will work with the Puerto Rican Department of Education to ensure all students’ academic, emotional, social, and mental health needs are met.
  • This funding seems to be a means of the territory trying to establish a new and better relationship with the current presidential administration. Reports note that they are hoping they will not experience any funding delays with this administration. Cardona said that what Puerto Rican students need right now is support and that he is working with a team that is reviewing the situation of lifting the previous restrictions set upon the territory.

It appears as if the Biden Administration and Puerto Rico are off to a great start despite the island’s previous relationship with the Trump administration.

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