United Negro College Fund Elects Its First Black Board Chair

For the first time since the organization started, a black man has been elected as the board’s chair.

What We Know:

  • The United Negro College Fund is among several organizations that help provide financial assistance for black students to attend college. The institution has been around for about 77 years and has just elected its first black board chairman known as Milton H. Jones.
  • As Board Chairman, Milton H. Jones will be responsible for growing things such as the funding that supports over 37 black colleges and universities that the UNCF represents. According to reports, other figures are optimistic about jones’s ability to aid in the growth of the UNCF. “Milton brings a thoughtful and collaborative leadership approach that will help us thrive and continue to drive UNCF and HBCU impact and growth,” said Dr. Micheal L. Lomax.
  • Jones seems to be very involved in his community due to him being a part of many organizations. Reports note that Jones is apart of 100 black men of America, Metro Atlanta YMCA, Boy scouts, and many more. He holds positions in these organizations that show that he has experience with leadership roles.
  • Jones’s induction into the UNCF may have caught some people off guard. Following the announcement, many Twitter users gave their reactions towards the position change, as it was already assumed that an organization such as the UNCF would have already had a Black board chairman.

The hope now is that Jones will be able to assist in continuing to lead the UNCF in the right direction and push students to a bright future.

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