Biden Gives Venezuelans in U.S Chance for Temporary Protected Status

The White House announced Monday that they would offer deportation relief and work permits to a number of Venezuelan immigrants in the U.S.

What We Know:

  • An authoritarian government currently rules Venezuela, and nearly 1.8 million Venezuelan migrants have fled oppressive conditions in their home country. President Nicolas Maduro is currently heading the country, but outside countries, such as the U.S, recognize Juan Guaido as the legitimate interim president. Venezuelan immigrants in the U.S are the fifth most extensive South American group of migrants.
  • The Temporary Protected Status (TPS) policy was issued by Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas. Mayorkas became the first immigrant and Latino to lead the Department of Homeland Security and was confirmed into duty last month. TPS grants provisional humanitarian protection to immigrants whose home countries are plagued with armed conflict. This policy also gives solace to those recovering from natural disasters and an epidemic.
  • The relief policy will apply to citizens living in the U.S as of March 8th, and the application process is said to cost $545, due within six months. The Colombian government is also offering the assistance of their own, investing heavily in Venezuelan support. Colombia has invested in providing social services, health care, and other assistance for Venezuelan migrants. The program would allow undocumented Venezuelans to live and work in Columbia for up to ten years. Duque has previously been criticized for publicly stating he would exclude undocumented Venezuelans from Colombian covid vaccinations.
  • Details of the Colombian plan include $160 million on migrant education, $40 million on emergency healthcare costs, and $260 million on water and sanitation. The cost of the assistance has placed a strain on Colombian resources. The country fears that if no international aid is given, the crisis will only get worse.

President Biden’s plan for Venezuelan migrants is fueled by his intention to put pressure on acting Venezuelan President Nicolas Maduro.