President Biden Reopens Migrant Facility Causing a Backlash

The Biden-Harris Administration has reopened a migrant holding facility in Carizzo Springs, Texas, in which the previous administration had closed since the beginning of July 2019.

What We Know:

  • The 46th President of the United States promised in his campaign that a major focus would be undoing what the previous administration had done. This includes policies on healthcare, reconnecting with the rest of the world on climate control, and undoing policies that focus on immigration.
  • In terms of immigration, President Biden and Vice President Harris formed a task force that will focus on the reunification of families separated at the border with a three-part plan, according to the White House. Their goal is to reunite the 700 immigrant teenagers that were in holding with their families once again, according to the Associated Press in Houston.
  • However, there is some backlash to the reopening of the once dubbed “kid’s cages”. New York Democratic Rep Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, among other sources and activists groups, has slammed the current administration for bringing back ‘intensive care tents’ stating on Twitter that:
  • In response to some of the backlash, White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki stated in a recent briefing that “these are not kids in cages…this is a facility that will follow the same standards as other HHS facilities.”

President Biden believes that a crucial part of the growth of America comes from those migrating to the country. By reopening the facilities, implementing proper procedures, and designating a task force to matter, the administration and President Biden are confident that operations will run smoothly and families will reunite once again.

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