World’s Second-oldest Person Survives Coronavirus at Age 116

116-year-old Sister André has just beat COVID-19.

What We Know:

  • Born in 1904, the French nun is the second-oldest person alive today. According to David Tavella, the communications director at Sainte Catherine Labouré’s nursing home in Toulon, southern France, resident Sister André tested positive for coronavirus on January 16th, 2021.
  • Director Tavella stated that Sister André was not aware of her illness; she had shown no symptoms of contracting the virus. After learning her diagnosis, it appears that she had bigger concerns.

“For example, she wanted to know if meal or bedtime schedules would change. She showed no fear of the disease. On the other hand, she was very concerned about the other residents,” Tavella stated.

  • Throughout her many years of life, Sister André has served as a governess and a teacher who focused on teaching children proper etiquette. She has lived through two world wars and has survived the Spanish Flu pandemic of 1918.
  • Just 3 weeks after her diagnosis, she has been completely cleared to rejoin the other residents. The recovery comes in perfect timing as she celebrates her 117th birthday today. Tavella told reporters that her favorite birthday meal includes foie gras and baked Alaska.

When asked about her concerns regarding the pandemic, Sister André put things simply, “It will come and go. I don’t know.”

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