NBA Says All Teams Must Play National Anthem After Dallas Mavericks Stop Playing It

The NBA responded that all teams were required to play the national anthem after the Dallas Mavericks stopped playing it before home games at the direction of owner Mark Cuban, reports NBC News.

What We Know:

  • The “Star-Spangled Banner”, which is traditionally played before sporting events, has not been played at any of the 13 preseason and regular-season games played at American Airlines Center so far. The Mavs owner, Mark Cuban confirmed to The Athletic and ESPN that he had altered the pregame ritual, but declined to explain further.
  • In response to the media attention as a result of the change, NBA Chief Communications Officer Mike Bass issued a statement saying the anthem must be played by all teams. “With NBA teams now in the process of welcoming fans back into their arenas, all teams will play the national anthem in keeping with longstanding league policy,” Bass said in the statement.
  • Following the order from the NBA, Mavs spokesman, Dave Maurer, said the anthem would be played before Wednesday’s game. Cuban then responded to the statement, explaining his reasoning for skipping the anthem.

“We respect and always have respected the passion people have for the anthem and our country. I have always stood for the anthem with the hand over my heart — no matter where I hear it played. But we also hear the voices of those who do not feel the anthem represents them.”

  • Cuban’s decision faced backlash from prominent Texas officials including Dan Patrick, the lieutenant governor of Texas. On Wednesday, Patrick called for Cuban to sell the franchise to “some Texas patriots” and said that the Mavericks’ decision not to play the anthem was “a slap in the face to every American” and “an embarrassment to Texas”.

Previous NBA rules have required players to stand during the anthem, NBC Sports reported. However, NBA commissioner Adam Silver has been lenient with this rule during recent years as taking a knee among athletes during the anthem became a matter of protest against police brutality and social injustice.

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