Woman in Brazil Arrested after Baby Bump Discovered to be a Watermelon Full of Cocaine

The old saying “necessity is the mother of invention” really worked out in real life with this juicy drug arrest in South America. That’s where a woman had a “watermelon baby” to hide drugs.

What We Know:

  • According to the New York Post, a woman from São Paulo entered a bus to Rio de Janeiro. Originally first, she was thought to be pregnant, but she was inspected after authorities got a lead on a narcotic drug case. The lady’s “baby bump” was a well-placed watermelon carrying four stones of cocaine paste.
  • After the inspection, the woman admitted to acquiring the cocaine in Paraguay. The bricks equaled to be around 4.5 pounds, and she states to have been smuggling them to Rio. The woman claimed that she earned 500 Brazilian reals, which equals to about $100.
  • She has since been arrested for her participation in the trafficking operation and is presently in jail in Guara on undisclosed charges. São Paulo military police seem to give her some tactics aids, describing the plot as “creativity without limit” on the official Facebook page.
  • Long seen as a market for cocaine from elsewhere in South America, Brazil has also become one of Europe’s leading suppliers in recent years. Brazilian organizations are believed to have infiltrated ports and sent the narcotics on container ships bound for Europe, where the “business” is worth more than $10 billion. With this huge amount of money, a lot of people will risk their freedom for money. Gangs have also been known to use Paraguay to transport cocaine into Brazil from elsewhere in South America.

While it’s unusual to assume that you’re pregnant, many drug traffickers have been creating extensive ways to get cocaine across borders for ages. In 2018, police in Portugal and Spain captured 1,642 pounds of cocaine sneaked inside fresh pineapples reaching into the area from South America.


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