Chuck Grassley, 87, Second-oldest Senator Tests Positive for COVID-19

Chuck Grassley, the U.S. senator for Iowa, is briefly leaving the Senate to self-isolate at home after testing positive for coronavirus.

What We Know:

  • Grassley, 87, is the second-oldest senator and the most senior Republican in the chamber. He is president pro tempore of the Senate, which makes him third in line to the presidency.
  • Grassley is considered high-risk due to his age, but the lawmaker insists he is feeling fine and will continue to work for Iowan’s virtually from home. He issued a statement about his condition on Tuesday, stating,  “I learned today that I’ve been exposed to the coronavirus. I will follow my doctors’ orders and immediately quarantine as I await my test results. I’m feeling well and not currently experiencing any symptoms, but it’s important we all follow public health guidelines to keep each other healthy.”
  • The Republican Senator is also known for his near-perfect voting record. This Tuesday, Grassley missed the vote on Judy Shelton’s nomination to the Federal Reserve. He has not missed a vote on the Senate floor in a record-breaking 27 years.
  • With a nationwide surge in cases, many other senators have also gone home to quarantine. Alaska’s GOP representative, Don Young – the most senior member of the House of Representatives is also in the process of recovering from COVID-19. Other lawmakers that are taking precautions after coming in contact with someone who tested positive include: Democratic Senator Chris Murphy of Connecticut, GOP Rep. Debbie Lesko of Arizona, and GOP Senator Rick Scott of Florida.

We wish the senator a speedy recovery.

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