Utah Man Driving 130mph in Snow Tells Police He’s on His Way to Kill Missouri Senator

George William Stahl, 36, was chased by police down the I-80 in Summit County, Utah early Wednesday morning. When questioned, Stahl claimed he was on his was to kill Missouri Senator Claire McCaskill.

What We Know:

  • George William Stahl was first spotted by police when he was driving at 115mph down an expressway while it was snowing. When the police tried to pull him over, Stahl sped off, reaching a speed of more than 130mph. Officers had to spike the driver’s tires to get him to stop.
  • A police affidavit of the incident stated, “Stahl was belligerent and appeared heavily intoxicated. He smelled of an alcoholic beverage and his eyes were glassy and bloodshot. There was an empty 12 pack of Budweiser beer in his vehicle as well as a partially consumed other 12 pack. Stahl stated that he was on Adderall and LSD and beer.”
  • According to the document, Stahl claimed he was on his way to kill Senator Claire McCaskill “if she wasn’t dead already”. “Stahl made several real threats to Missouri Sen. Claire McCaskill,” reads the document. “He stated that he was on his way to Missouri to kill her several times.” The Senator responded to the incident in a statement to The Star, saying “Obviously this is not the first time there have been threats, and that is not good,” adding, “But the political temperature is very high right now, which makes it concerning.”
  • Sen. McCaskill now works as a political analyst for NBC News and MSNBC after losing a reelection bid to Republican Josh Hawley in 2018. McCaskill served two terms as Senator for Missouri from 2007 to 2019.

Police charged Stahl with threats of terrorism, not cooperating with police, reckless driving, speeding, DUI, and drug possession. After being medically examined at North Summit Fire Station, he was booked into Summit County Jail.

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