New York, New Jersey Return to Semi-Lockdown Measures to Prevent Spread of COVID

As of November 6, New Jersey saw an increase of 2,000 people infected by COVID-19 for a third straight day. The number of cases has reached a 6% surge and is increasing to numbers last seen in early May.

What We Know:

  • As cases rise Governor Phil Murphy has announced new COVID-19 restrictions on bars, restaurants, and indoor youth sports.
  • In a recent news conference, Governer Murphy discussed the recent rise in cases and introduced the idea that new restrictions would soon be put in place to limit the spread. “We’re working on making sure that we’ve got a right balance between strategic, scalpel-like actions and some broader actions that we will almost certainly take sooner than later.”
  • Starting November 19, all indoor dining must close from 10 p.m. until 5 a.m. Bar seats are prohibited at all hours and all nonessential businesses are to be closed by 8 p.m. Salon and barbershops are to operate by appointment only and gyms must clean their equipment for 30 minutes every hour.
  • As for New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo on Sunday warned New Yorkers the next two months could be the worst the country has seen. In a press conference, the Governor stated, “COVID is surging across the country and the globe, and we expect the rates will continue to go up through the fall and into the winter…In the meantime, we manage the increase by doing more testing and targeted restrictions where necessary, and being more aggressive on enforcement.”
  • Mayor Bill de Blasio, on Monday, November 9, stated,

We have to stop a second wave from happening here. It is getting dangerously close. We’re seeing a real growth in the positivity rate in this city and that is dangerous. We can stop a second wave if we act immediately, but we have one last chance — and everyone has to be a part of it. We have to act urgently. We have gone well past the threshold.”

  • “We’re seeing household transmission. We’re seeing community spread. We’re seeing things we haven’t seen in a long time — and we have to stop them.” Mayor de Blasio went on to add the main problem for the increase of infected individuals is “indoors and not wearing masks”.

As New York and New Jersey are getting ready to re-implement these restrictions, other states are beginning to as well. Thursday, November 12, Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot announced a stay-at-home order that will begin on Monday, November 16.

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