Romney warns Trump to be ‘careful’ with rhetoric as he pursues legal challenges

On Sunday, November 8, 2020, Senator Mitt Romney warned President Donald Trump to be “careful”  as he continues to disagree with the results of the 2020 election.

What We Know:

  • In an interview on “Meet The Press,”  Senator Romney discussed the recent actions President Trump has taken regarding the 2020 Election. President Trump has made claims on Twitter stating the election was “rigged” with the counting of “illegal votes.”

  • Senator Romney discussed the dangers in President’s Trump’s language as well as his accusations discouraging our democracy.

“I think it’s fine to pursue every legal avenue that one has. But I think one has to be careful in the choice of words. I think when you say that the election was corrupt or stolen or rigged, that’s unfortunately rhetoric that gets picked up by authoritarians around the world,”

“It also discourages confidence in our democratic process here at home,” he said. “And with a battle going on right now between authoritarianism and freedom, why, I think it’s very important that we not use language which can encourage a course in history which would be very, very unfortunate.”

  • Romney said he believed the election results would stay as expected but may end with Republicans holding a majority of seats in the house. This will show that Americans would like a “change in leader, but we are not going to be turning a sharp left turn.”
  • According to NBC News, Biden’s deputy campaign manager, Kate Bedingfield, told “Meet The Press,”

“We saw the Biden-Harris ticket get the most votes of any presidential ticket in the history of presidential politics. People are hungry for change, they want to unify, they want to come together. That’s how President-elect Biden is going to lead,”

“This is what the American people voted for. This is what they want to see,” she said. “So, for Republican members of the Senate, they’re going to feel that pressure, too. People want the country to move forward. They want to see President-elect Biden and Vice President-elect Harris move forward on their agenda.”

On Saturday, November 7, 2020, The Associated Press announced Biden as the winner of the 2020 Election. Due to Pennsylvania 20 electoral votes and pushing Boiden to the electoral votes threshold. This outcome has caused President Trump to call for recounts and make claims of voters fraud.

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