Lindsey Graham: Trump Shouldn’t Concede or Else US Will ‘Never’ Elect GOP President

Lindsey Graham has just been reelected as a senator in South Carolina, and she has continued to be vocal about supporting Donald Trump in his effort to challenge election results. Graham told Fox News, “President Trump should not concede,“ continuing the narrative that this election has been stolen from Trump.

What We Know:

  • Graham told Fox News that if president Donald Trump concedes now, there will “never be another Republican president elected again”. She is one of the few high profile politicians that is supporting a refusal to concede, that has included Trump filing lawsuits against multiple states.
  • The Trump campaign has continued to push the belief that the election had been stolen. A day after the election, he began to call on his supporters to “fight back” against the Democrats. The emails sent from the Trump campaign communicated that the election was being stolen through mail-in ballots and other illegal votes, like ballots being casted for deceased individuals.
  • There has not yet been a modern American president that has refused a peaceful transfer of power, but it appears that Donald Trump could be an exception.
  • The Trump administration has not completed a primary document in transitioning power to Joe Biden. The document is the first formal step in acknowledging Biden as president, and is critical to accessing resources like security and staff training tools.
  • Donald Trump continues to encourage his team to challenge election results, while his campaign manager Bill Stepien and his deputy Justin Clark have been telling staff that Trump is “still in this fight”.

Joe Biden was announced as the president-elect on November 7th, but as the days go by it is apparent that for the Donald Trump campaign, and it’s supporters like Lindsey Graham, this election is not over yet.

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