Simone Biles Will ‘Always’ Support LGBTQ Community After Campaign Hate

Simone Biles shows support for the LGBTQ community after controversy with a conservative Christian group demanding Uber Eats end its campaign featuring Biles and Queer Eye star Jonathan Van Ness. 

What We Know:

  • Mid-October, Uber Eats released the “Tonight I’ll Be Eating” campaign featuring Olympian Simone Biles and Queer Eye star Jonathan Van Ness. The pair show off their skills in matching leotards and share what they’re having for dinner from Uber Eats. 
  • Conservative Christian Group, One Million Moms, went on to demand Uber Eats end its campaign in a petition. The group claims the campaign is “pushing the LGBTQ agenda”. 
  • The group shames the company for “attempting to brainwash viewers with an agenda instead of focusing on providing a helpful service, especially during a pandemic”.
  • They call Van Ness, who identifies as non-binary, a cross-dresser, and casting such in the advertisement “screams liberal agenda”. They claim watching this advertisement can even be harmful, “For anyone curious or struggling with his or her sexual identity, watching someone prance around in the opposite sex’s clothing is not the answer”. 
  • In response to the petition, Biles tweeted, “the world we live in makes me sad, but I’d do x1000000 more commercials with you just to piss everyone off! The LGBTQIA will always have my support and feel welcome on my socials”. 
  • In a statement to PEOPLE, Uber Eats responded: “At Uber Eats, we’re unapologetically committed to representing the flavor spectrum. From tacos to talent, we like it spicy.” 

Uber Eats seems to stand by its campaign, expressing that “JVN and Simone serve gymnastic prowess and ferosh self-confidence, qualities millions of moms everywhere can—and do—support”. As for One Million Moms, their petition has over 7,000 signatures as of Friday morning. 

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