Farmers Received Billions in Subsidies During Pandemic, Black Farmers Did Not

Farmers will be receiving an estimated, record-breaking 46 billion in subsidies from the federal government this year. The subsidies have given President Donald Trump a loyal base with American farmers. While many farmers across America may be feeling relief, Black farmers say they are still struggling financially.

What We Know:

  • Covid-19, a trade war with China, and natural disasters have lead to financial difficulties for America’s farmers. The subsidies are intended to get farmers through a particularly hard year, with US farmers predicted to lose 20 billion in income.
  • The Counter, a news organization, discovered that 99% of the subsidies from the trade war went to white farmers.
  • Black farmers have historically been overlooked with many of them closing due to financial issues. The number of Black identifying farmers dropped 3 percent between 2012 and 2017. Today there are around 50,000 Black farmers left.
  • In 2003, a lawsuit that created an assistant secretary for civil rights position in the USDA was won by Black farmers. Donald Trump has left this position unfilled during his presidency.
  • Dr. Joe Leonard filled the position of assistant secretary for civil rights during the Barack Obama presidency. He told ABC news that Black farmers need “grants, not loans”, and that “this would go a long way in generating generational wealth for Blacks”.

courtesy of Dr Joe Leonard

There is a historic disparity in the way Black and white farmers receive aid. This issue will continue to be a sore issue as America waits for it’s next president.

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