Election 2020: Post-Election Results Summary

As the wait continues for who will be the next POTUS, we’ll keep you updated with the latest counts and updates from the battleground states here.

What We Know:

As of 7:00 PM EST:

Overall tally: Biden stands at 253 electoral votes, Trump stands at 213 electoral votes (according to CNN). Other sources report Biden with 264 electoral votes and Trump with 214 votes (Associated Press; Fox News).  The difference is due to AP and Fox News calling the race in Arizona for Trump and one of four electoral votes in Maine going to Trump.

Reminder: The goal is 270 to be deemed president-elect or president re-elect respectively

  • Pennsylvania (20 electoral votes) Key Alert: 93% reported, Trump leads by less than 74,000 votes (narrowing)
    • Trump administration has filed a federal lawsuit against Philadelphia election officials.  This is a new complaint that differs from an earlier complaint filed by the Trump administration.  This suit alleges election officials have violated the constitutional law regarding their due process rights by blocking the observation of ballots.
  • North Carolina (15 electoral votes) Key Alert: 95% reported, Trump leads by a little more than 76,000 votes (narrowing)
    • There are over 100,000 mail-in ballots and a little more than 40,000 provisional ballots left to be counted statewide.
  • Georgia (16 electoral votes) Key Alert: 98% reported, Trump leads by less than 4,000 votes (narrowing)
    • Trump has a narrowing lead in Georgia with less than 40,000 votes left to count in the state of Georgia.  Earlier today, a Chatham County judge dismissed a case brought to the county by the Trump administration in an attempt to stop counting the votes.  Fulton and DeKalb Counties are still counting while Gwinnett County is re-reviewing ballots from one advance voting precinct.

  • Arizona(11 electoral votes) Key Alert: 86% reported, Biden leads with a little more than 65,000 votes (slight narrowing)
    • Secretary of State Katie Hobbs estimated earlier today there are less than 450,000 ballots left to be counted statewide with the majority coming from Maricopa County.  You can stay up to date with Maricopa’s status on the Twitter page or live feed.
  • Nevada (6 electoral votes) Key Alert: 89% reported; Biden leads by less than 12,000 votes (expected to grow)
    • It is hard to estimate how many ballots remain in the state as all registered voters received mail-in ballots.  All ballots will be accepted up to November 10th as long as the ballot was postmarked by election day.  The state is estimating they will complete their count by the end of the weekend.

Honorable mention: Alaska has not been called yet either being the state with the latest closing polls at 1 AM EST.  They are at 47% reported and expected to go to Trump who currently has an approximate 52,000 vote lead in the state.

We will keep you updated until this country knows who the next president will be…

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