Nevada Not Done Counting Until Thursday Morning

With mail-in ballots being heavily used during this presidential election, the fate of Nevada is weighing in the balance. The western swing state has reported that they will not have a final ballot count until Thursday morning at 9 a.m. PST.

What We Know:

  • The state has counted all mail-in ballots received prior to the election day and all in-person votes made on election day. The only ballots left are those they will receive on November 4th. Officials say they will also accept ballots arriving as late as next Tuesday as long as they were mailed in and posted before the polls were closed.
  • Aside from a record-breaking use of mail-in ballots, results in the state may also be delayed over the fact that about 30 polling places in Nevada were allowed (via court order) to stay open for an extra hour after citing technical issues.
  • Nevada is a battleground state meaning it has 6 electoral votes up for grabs. This state could be essential to winning for each of the candidates as the presidential race becomes closer.
  • According to NBC News, as of 7 a.m. this morning, “86 percent of the expected vote is in and has Joe Biden leading at 49.3 percent and President Trump right behind at 48.7 percent”.

With the presidential candidates neck-and-neck in multiple battleground states, it’s anybody’s game. The only thing we can do is wait.

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