Vienna Terror Attack Leaves Four Dead

A terror attack in Vienna, Austria, left four dead and 22 injured. The attack occurred in a busy area of Vienna, Austria, on Monday evening. 

What We Know: 

  • The gunman was Fejzulai Kuijtim, a 20-year-old ISIS supporter. He had been sentenced to 22 months in prison in April of 2019. He was released early in December of 2019 due to his age. Kuijtim was armed with a fake explosive vest, automatic rifle, handgun, and a machete. 
  • The attack occurred Monday evening around 8 P.M., just hours before the nationwide shutdown due to the coronavirus. 
  • Kuijtim was most likely alone in his attack, but there is a possibility of a second assailant. Police have found no evidence of a second attacker yet. Until sure, Vienna residents have been asked to stay home. 
  • Four people were killed in the terror attack, an older man, an older woman, a young passerby, and a waitress. Twenty-two were injured, including a police officer. The officer has since undergone surgery and is in stable condition. Police killed the gunman.
  • Witness Schlomo Hoffeister watched as the gunman shot dozens, possibly hundreds of rounds at people. 
  • ISIS claimed to be behind the attack. They released a picture Tuesday claiming to show the attacker. ISIS claimed Kuijtim used two guns and a knife. 

Police continue to look for any accomplices and urge Vienna residents to stay at home. European leaders have shared their condolences with Austria condemning the attack. President Trump and presidential candidate Biden also shared their condolences.